Why The Protestant Reformation Was Worse Than You Thought

Why The Protestant Reformation Was Worse Than You Thought

What You Weren't Taught About Colonization

What You Weren't Taught About Colonization

Why The Sexual Revolution Was Worse Than You Thought

Why The Sexual Revolution Was Worse Than You Thought

Why The Inquisition Was Awesome, Actually

Why The Inquisition Was Awesome, Actually

Napoleon vs The Catholic Church: The Rivalry That Changed Europe

Napoleon vs The Catholic Church: The Rivalry That Changed Europe

Why The French Revolution Was Worse Than You Thought

Why The French Revolution Was Worse Than You Thought

Why The Crusades Were Awesome, Actually

Why The Crusades Were Awesome, Actually

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How Democracies Implode - The Spanish Civil War (Part 1)

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How Wikipedia Lies To You

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You're Probably Wrong About Confederate Monuments: A Response to Atun-Shei Films

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