Neil Turok on the simplicity of nature

Neil Turok on the simplicity of nature

Physicist's Playbook to Time Management | For all types of work

Physicist's Playbook to Time Management | For all types of work

Why we have not discovered dark matter: A theorist’s apology

Why we have not discovered dark matter: A theorist’s apology

Francesca Vidotto on questions of being and becoming | Conversations at the Perimeter

Francesca Vidotto on questions of being and becoming | Conversations at the Perimeter

Conversations on Artificial Intelligence: Should It Be Trusted? | Public Lecture

Conversations on Artificial Intelligence: Should It Be Trusted? | Public Lecture

Sir Anthony Leggett on science, superfluidity, and serendipity

Sir Anthony Leggett on science, superfluidity, and serendipity

Secrets of the Universe: Neil Turok Public Lecture

Secrets of the Universe: Neil Turok Public Lecture

Quantum 101 Episode 10: The Quantum Future

Quantum 101 Episode 10: The Quantum Future

Quantum 101 Episode 9: Quantum Tunneling Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 9: Quantum Tunneling Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 8: Photoelectric Effect Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 8: Photoelectric Effect Explained

Pedro Vieira on a theory of all quantum field theories

Pedro Vieira on a theory of all quantum field theories

Quantum 101 Episode 7: Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 7: Quantum Computing Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 6: Quantum Probability Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 6: Quantum Probability Explained

Jessie Muir on the mystery of dark energy | Conversations at the Perimeter

Jessie Muir on the mystery of dark energy | Conversations at the Perimeter

Quantum 101 Episode 5: Quantum Entanglement Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 5: Quantum Entanglement Explained

Juan Maldacena Public Lecture: The Meaning of Spacetime

Juan Maldacena Public Lecture: The Meaning of Spacetime

Quantum 101 Episode 4: Superposition Explained | Schrödinger's Cat

Quantum 101 Episode 4: Superposition Explained | Schrödinger's Cat

Shohini Ghose on revolutions – quantum and social | Conversations at the Perimeter

Shohini Ghose on revolutions – quantum and social | Conversations at the Perimeter

Quantum 101 Episode 3: Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum 101 Episode 3: Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum 101 Episode 2: Quantization Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 2: Quantization Explained

Dustin Lang on big data from a big universe | Conversations at the Perimeter

Dustin Lang on big data from a big universe | Conversations at the Perimeter

Quantum 101 Episode 1: Wave Particle Duality Explained

Quantum 101 Episode 1: Wave Particle Duality Explained

Emmy Noether National Forum: The Power of WHY? | Methods and Mindsets of Women in Science

Emmy Noether National Forum: The Power of WHY? | Methods and Mindsets of Women in Science

Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL)

Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL)

Introducing: Quantum 101 with Katie Mack

Introducing: Quantum 101 with Katie Mack

Government of Canada launches National Quantum Strategy at Perimeter Institute

Government of Canada launches National Quantum Strategy at Perimeter Institute

2022: A brilliant year at Perimeter Institute

2022: A brilliant year at Perimeter Institute

Dark Matter Night with Katie Mack and Ken Clark

Dark Matter Night with Katie Mack and Ken Clark

Dark Matter Night trailer

Dark Matter Night trailer

The black hole photon ring in context

The black hole photon ring in context