Everybody's Wrong About Who Divided Star Wars Fans

Everybody's Wrong About Who Divided Star Wars Fans

Holding out for a Hero, Grogu version.

Holding out for a Hero, Grogu version.

Chat GPT and I created a pitch for Star Wars Episode X

Chat GPT and I created a pitch for Star Wars Episode X

I asked Chat GPT to write a title and opening crawl for episode X. These are the results.

I asked Chat GPT to write a title and opening crawl for episode X. These are the results.

Will Smith destroys the Death Star

Will Smith destroys the Death Star

Jar Jar Destroys the Death Star

Jar Jar Destroys the Death Star

George Carlin predicts the 2020's

George Carlin predicts the 2020's

No, Disney is not renaming the Slave 1

No, Disney is not renaming the Slave 1

How empty statements divide the star wars fanbase

How empty statements divide the star wars fanbase

It was Anakin All along karaoke song

It was Anakin All along karaoke song

Kathleen Kennedy wants Pablo Hidalgo use toxic masculinity? Hypocrite?

Kathleen Kennedy wants Pablo Hidalgo use toxic masculinity? Hypocrite?

Obi Wan Kenobi is Dr Nick

Obi Wan Kenobi is Dr Nick

The Lost World Hello There

The Lost World Hello There

Han Solo Destroys the Death Star

Han Solo Destroys the Death Star

Darth Jar Jar Not a theory (Properly edited)

Darth Jar Jar Not a theory (Properly edited)

Wilhelm Scream at inappropriate times

Wilhelm Scream at inappropriate times

John Favreau vs Rian Johnson on Mustafar

John Favreau vs Rian Johnson on Mustafar

Skywalker Saga Trailer

Skywalker Saga Trailer

Obi Wan executes Order 66

Obi Wan executes Order 66

Duel of the fates with Star Wars Lyrics

Duel of the fates with Star Wars Lyrics

Death Star Trench run except everyone is Anakin

Death Star Trench run except everyone is Anakin

R2 D2 with subtitles (Prequels)

R2 D2 with subtitles (Prequels)

Obi Wan blows up the Death Star

Obi Wan blows up the Death Star

Darth Vader Blows up the Death Star

Darth Vader Blows up the Death Star

Darth Kenobi

Darth Kenobi

Rise of Skywalker trailer breakdown

Rise of Skywalker trailer breakdown

Darth Ralph Wiggum

Darth Ralph Wiggum

Revenge of the Sith Trailer - From my point of view the jedi are evil

Revenge of the Sith Trailer - From my point of view the jedi are evil

R2D2 Subtitles - Original Trilogy

R2D2 Subtitles - Original Trilogy

Darth Caboose

Darth Caboose