House of the Dragon: How Chance Events Shape History

House of the Dragon: How Chance Events Shape History

What is Wrong with House of the Dragon?

What is Wrong with House of the Dragon?

House of the Dragon Episode 2: Sensitive Nuclear Material Taken Home

House of the Dragon Episode 2: Sensitive Nuclear Material Taken Home

House of the Dragon: What is it ACTUALLY About?

House of the Dragon: What is it ACTUALLY About?

The Many Writing Layers of Jacob

The Many Writing Layers of Jacob

Jacob is the first COMPLETE Character of Genesis

Jacob is the first COMPLETE Character of Genesis

The Philistines of Genesis

The Philistines of Genesis

Call Me Ishmael: Post-Biblical Universe

Call Me Ishmael: Post-Biblical Universe



The Political Power of the Alphabet

The Political Power of the Alphabet

How Come Isaac is Such a LAME Character?

How Come Isaac is Such a LAME Character?

The Death of Abraham

The Death of Abraham

Noah Movie Biblical Historical Review

Noah Movie Biblical Historical Review

When Genesis Breaks Its Own Mold

When Genesis Breaks Its Own Mold

The First Biblical War (in Siddim)

The First Biblical War (in Siddim)

The Binding of Isaac is a Dramatic Short Story

The Binding of Isaac is a Dramatic Short Story

The Sodom and Gomorrah Operation

The Sodom and Gomorrah Operation

The Life and Death of Sarah

The Life and Death of Sarah

Back to the Future Trilogy Revisited

Back to the Future Trilogy Revisited

The Abraham-Yahweh Deal

The Abraham-Yahweh Deal

The Biblical Male Gaze

The Biblical Male Gaze

Abraham vs Other Founding Fathers

Abraham vs Other Founding Fathers

The Tower of Babel Poem

The Tower of Babel Poem

The First Biblical Cities

The First Biblical Cities

The Flood: Noah is a Non-Hero

The Flood: Noah is a Non-Hero

Context for the Noah Flood Story

Context for the Noah Flood Story

The Adam's Family

The Adam's Family

Cain and Abel: The First Conflict in the Book

Cain and Abel: The First Conflict in the Book

The Garden of Eden Criminal Court

The Garden of Eden Criminal Court

Julius Caesar on Film

Julius Caesar on Film