Coronary angiography. Lesson 2: nomenclature of coronary angiographic views

Coronary angiography. Lesson 2: nomenclature of coronary angiographic views

Coronary angiography. Lesson 1: coronary artery anatomy

Coronary angiography. Lesson 1: coronary artery anatomy

Triggered activity. Afterdepolarizations

Triggered activity. Afterdepolarizations

Enhanced automaticity. Mechanism of tachyarrhythmias

Enhanced automaticity. Mechanism of tachyarrhythmias

Сalcium sensitizers. Levosimendan. Mechanism of action, side effects, indications, dosage

Сalcium sensitizers. Levosimendan. Mechanism of action, side effects, indications, dosage

Progression of AV block in patient with inferior STEMI

Progression of AV block in patient with inferior STEMI

ECG markers of the left ventricular diastolic dysfunction: Tend-P, Tend-Q

ECG markers of the left ventricular diastolic dysfunction: Tend-P, Tend-Q

Interpretation of the P wave

Interpretation of the P wave

Re-entry mechanism of tachyarrhythmias

Re-entry mechanism of tachyarrhythmias

Non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension

Non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension

Normal ECG

Normal ECG

Concealed conduction

Concealed conduction

Normal ECG waves, segments, intervals

Normal ECG waves, segments, intervals

Electrode placement

Electrode placement

Atrioventricular blocks

Atrioventricular blocks

Respiratory variations of R wave amplitude

Respiratory variations of R wave amplitude

ECG basics: Methods of heart rate calculation

ECG basics: Methods of heart rate calculation

ECG waves

ECG waves

ECG machines, rhythmogram

ECG machines, rhythmogram



Mechanism of ischemic T wave inversion

Mechanism of ischemic T wave inversion

Heart failure

Heart failure

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation

ECG basics: 12-lead ECG

ECG basics: 12-lead ECG

Rate-dependent bundle branch block

Rate-dependent bundle branch block

ECG basics

ECG basics

Intermittent pathological Q-waves

Intermittent pathological Q-waves

Wellens syndrome

Wellens syndrome

Sudden cardiac death in athletes: causes, mechanisms, prevention

Sudden cardiac death in athletes: causes, mechanisms, prevention

TV myth: Use of defibrillator in the flat-line ECG pattern revives patient

TV myth: Use of defibrillator in the flat-line ECG pattern revives patient