Puppet head rotating, to see the structure how it is mounted.

Puppet head rotating, to see the structure how it is mounted.

Demo of bechele open source animatronic software 2.0

Demo of bechele open source animatronic software 2.0

trackui pl - operation of bechele open source animatronic software 2.0

trackui pl - operation of bechele open source animatronic software 2.0

ConfigL.pm - configuration of bechele software 2.0

ConfigL.pm - configuration of bechele software 2.0

Blender objects in panoramic environment images

Blender objects in panoramic environment images

3D printable Spiral wrap cutter

3D printable Spiral wrap cutter

3D printable spiral wrap cutter - customizable

3D printable spiral wrap cutter - customizable

3D objects by Rolf Jethon 3rd series

3D objects by Rolf Jethon 3rd series

Howto: Mit Glasgries gebrochene Teile reparieren

Howto: Mit Glasgries gebrochene Teile reparieren

Howto repair broken parts using glass sand

Howto repair broken parts using glass sand

3D objects by Rolf Jethon 2nd series

3D objects by Rolf Jethon 2nd series

How the buckles of segment belts lock and unlock

How the buckles of segment belts lock and unlock

OpenScad Belt Designer Parameters

OpenScad Belt Designer Parameters

Overview of the OpenScad Belt Designer and its belts

Overview of the OpenScad Belt Designer and its belts

3D objects by Rolf Jethon

3D objects by Rolf Jethon

3d printable design kitchen scale - operation and calibration

3d printable design kitchen scale - operation and calibration

How to hardware for driving servos synchronous to sound.

How to hardware for driving servos synchronous to sound.

Tutorial: open source animatronics software to drive servos synchronous to sound.

Tutorial: open source animatronics software to drive servos synchronous to sound.

How to mount 3D printable adjustable eye mechanics

How to mount 3D printable adjustable eye mechanics

Howto: Dem Kobil das Batterien saugen abgewöhnen

Howto: Dem Kobil das Batterien saugen abgewöhnen

3D printable, adjustable animatronic eyes

3D printable, adjustable animatronic eyes

Kai - ein schwieriger Enkel

Kai - ein schwieriger Enkel

3D printable, animated puppet head

3D printable, animated puppet head

3D printable eye mechanics

3D printable eye mechanics

Robot puppet face

Robot puppet face

Herr Becheles Unfall

Herr Becheles Unfall

Herr Becheles Geburtstag

Herr Becheles Geburtstag