How to create charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel

How to create charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel

Data Analysis Tools in Microsoft Excel

Data Analysis Tools in Microsoft Excel

Sorting and Filtering data in Microsoft Excel

Sorting and Filtering data in Microsoft Excel

Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel

Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel

Lesson 4: Essential Functions in Excel

Lesson 4: Essential Functions in Excel

Lesson 3: Understanding Formulas

Lesson 3: Understanding Formulas

Lesson 2: Formatting in Excel

Lesson 2: Formatting in Excel

Lesson 1: Getting started with Excel

Lesson 1: Getting started with Excel

MAX Function in Microsoft Excel

MAX Function in Microsoft Excel

SUMIF Function in Microsoft Excel

SUMIF Function in Microsoft Excel

MIN Function in Microsoft Excel

MIN Function in Microsoft Excel

Inserting rows and merging cells in Microsoft Excel

Inserting rows and merging cells in Microsoft Excel

COUNTIF function in Microsoft Excel

COUNTIF function in Microsoft Excel

Using IF function in Microsoft Excel

Using IF function in Microsoft Excel

Protecting workbook in Microsoft Excel using passwords

Protecting workbook in Microsoft Excel using passwords

Finding totals in Microsoft Excel using SUM function

Finding totals in Microsoft Excel using SUM function

Finding Average and mean in Microsoft Excel

Finding Average and mean in Microsoft Excel

How to use Rank function in Microsoft Excel

How to use Rank function in Microsoft Excel

Adding borders in Microsoft Excel

Adding borders in Microsoft Excel

A step by step introductory video to Microsoft Excel

A step by step introductory video to Microsoft Excel

A beginner's guide on how to input in Microsoft Excel

A beginner's guide on how to input in Microsoft Excel

How To find totals in Microsoft Excel using the Sum Function

How To find totals in Microsoft Excel using the Sum Function

Brief overview of the Uzima Bora Borehole drilliing system Reports.

Brief overview of the Uzima Bora Borehole drilliing system Reports.

Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system Flowchart

Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system Flowchart

Uzima Borehole drilling system Forms/ Input screens

Uzima Borehole drilling system Forms/ Input screens

Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system Overview on Queries.

Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system Overview on Queries.

Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system Table Relationships

Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system Table Relationships

KCSE 2024 Computer Studies project Table overview, Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system

KCSE 2024 Computer Studies project Table overview, Uzima Bora Borehole drilling system

Creating forms in Microsoft access

Creating forms in Microsoft access

Creating table relationships in Ms Access

Creating table relationships in Ms Access