How I Gained 2200 Elo in Just 2 Years

How I Gained 2200 Elo in Just 2 Years

They Actually Updated Chess...

They Actually Updated Chess...

If Chess Got Updated (Chess 2.0)

If Chess Got Updated (Chess 2.0)

I Tried Breaking Every Single Rule on

I Tried Breaking Every Single Rule on

The Checkmate Stockfish Says You Missed:

The Checkmate Stockfish Says You Missed:



How To Cheat in Online Chess *2024*

How To Cheat in Online Chess *2024*

Is Alireza Firouzja Cheating?

Is Alireza Firouzja Cheating?

The Worst Professional Chess Game Ever

The Worst Professional Chess Game Ever

The Fastest Stalemate Possible in Chess

The Fastest Stalemate Possible in Chess

Can 100 Chess Noobs Beat the Hardest Bot Ever?

Can 100 Chess Noobs Beat the Hardest Bot Ever?

I Became the Lowest Rated Player on

I Became the Lowest Rated Player on

The Cheating Drama Ends.

The Cheating Drama Ends.

Hikaru's Cheating Scandal Got Crazier

Hikaru's Cheating Scandal Got Crazier

What Happened to Ding Liren?

What Happened to Ding Liren?

I Proved Hikaru Didn't Cheat

I Proved Hikaru Didn't Cheat

This Game is 526 Years Old: Could You Play Better?

This Game is 526 Years Old: Could You Play Better?

Hikaru's Cheating Accusations Continue...

Hikaru's Cheating Accusations Continue...

Why Hikaru was Accused of Cheating

Why Hikaru was Accused of Cheating

How Magnus Carlsen Just Lost His #1 Spot

How Magnus Carlsen Just Lost His #1 Spot

Every Checkmate in Chess Explained

Every Checkmate in Chess Explained

The Worst Grandmaster in Chess History

The Worst Grandmaster in Chess History

I Challenged a Master to Chess Bingo

I Challenged a Master to Chess Bingo

The Greatest Chess Game of All Time

The Greatest Chess Game of All Time

How I Beat Chess in 24 Hours

How I Beat Chess in 24 Hours

I Tried Speedrunning Chess

I Tried Speedrunning Chess

Want +100 Elo? Watch This Video.

Want +100 Elo? Watch This Video.

The Oldest Chess Game Ever

The Oldest Chess Game Ever

Why You Keep Blundering Your Pieces

Why You Keep Blundering Your Pieces

How I Gained 2000 Elo in 12 Months

How I Gained 2000 Elo in 12 Months