CMax-SLAM: Event-based Rotational-Motion Bundle Adjustment and SLAM System using Contrast Max (TRO)

CMax-SLAM: Event-based Rotational-Motion Bundle Adjustment and SLAM System using Contrast Max (TRO)

Event based Background-Oriented Schlieren (TPAMI 2023) (5 min)

Event based Background-Oriented Schlieren (TPAMI 2023) (5 min)

Event Penguins: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization with Event Cameras (CVPR 2024)

Event Penguins: Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization with Event Cameras (CVPR 2024)

Event based Background-Oriented Schlieren (TPAMI 2023)

Event based Background-Oriented Schlieren (TPAMI 2023)

A Fast Geometric Regularizer to Mitigate Event Collapse in the Contrast Maximization Framework

A Fast Geometric Regularizer to Mitigate Event Collapse in the Contrast Maximization Framework

イベントカメラを用いたオプティカルフロー推定:動きとは何か? (ViEW 2022)

イベントカメラを用いたオプティカルフロー推定:動きとは何か? (ViEW 2022)

Event-based Stereo Depth for SLAM in Autonomous Driving (BADUE Workshop at IROS 2022)

Event-based Stereo Depth for SLAM in Autonomous Driving (BADUE Workshop at IROS 2022)

Multi-Event-Camera Depth Estimation and Outlier Rejection by Refocused Events Fusion (AISY 2022)

Multi-Event-Camera Depth Estimation and Outlier Rejection by Refocused Events Fusion (AISY 2022)

Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow (ECCV 2022, Oral)

Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow (ECCV 2022, Oral)

Exercise 5: result of spatial convolutions on real event data (bicycle sequence)

Exercise 5: result of spatial convolutions on real event data (bicycle sequence)

Exercise 7: panoramic image reconstruction with a rotating event camera (i.e., Mosaicing)

Exercise 7: panoramic image reconstruction with a rotating event camera (i.e., Mosaicing)

Event cameras: Sampling in time vs in range

Event cameras: Sampling in time vs in range

Event-based Optical Flow: model-based methods

Event-based Optical Flow: model-based methods

Feature Detection and Tracking with a DAVIS

Feature Detection and Tracking with a DAVIS

Exercise 4: event integrator (ordinary or

Exercise 4: event integrator (ordinary or "direct" integrator)

Methods of Event Processing

Methods of Event Processing

Image Reconstruction - Discussion

Image Reconstruction - Discussion

Three main event camera designs

Three main event camera designs

Event-based cameras: Advantages, Disadvantages and Challenges

Event-based cameras: Advantages, Disadvantages and Challenges

Comparison of five event-based feature trackers

Comparison of five event-based feature trackers

Event Generation Models

Event Generation Models

Tracking motion-compensated event features

Tracking motion-compensated event features

Image Reconstruction Methods 2018 - 2020.05

Image Reconstruction Methods 2018 - 2020.05

Tracking blobs of events. Ingredients of the per-event processing paradigm

Tracking blobs of events. Ingredients of the per-event processing paradigm

Event-based Optical Flow: learning-based methods and comparison

Event-based Optical Flow: learning-based methods and comparison

Color event cameras

Color event cameras

Event cameras: High Dynamic Range (HDR)

Event cameras: High Dynamic Range (HDR)

Image Reconstruction - Timeline

Image Reconstruction - Timeline

Image Reconstruction from events - Direct Integration

Image Reconstruction from events - Direct Integration

Exercise 7: panoramic image reconstruction with a rotating event camera (Mosaicing)

Exercise 7: panoramic image reconstruction with a rotating event camera (Mosaicing)