"五四紀念愛國歌" - May Fourth Memorial Patriotic Anthem (Anti-Japanese Student Song (REMASTER)

"壯丁進行曲" - March of Robust Men (Anti-Japanese Chinese Marseillaise)

"丹心拥朝晖" - Loyal Hearts Embrace the Dawn (Chinese Eighth Route Army Ballad)

"知識青年從軍歌" - Intellectual Youth Enlistment Song (Chinese Anti-Japanese WW2 Song)

"異鄉客的感傷" - Sorrow of a Stranger (Chinese-American Song)

"廣西軍軍歌" - Guangxi Army Song (Anti-Japanese New Guangxi Clique Song)

"对我述说耶稣故事" - Tell Me the Story of Jesus (Chinese Christian Hymn)

"如果我牺牲在战场" - If I Sacrifice on the Battlefield (Sino-Vietnamese War Song)

"歌八百壯士" - Ode to Eight Hundred Warriors (Chinese Battle of Shanghai Song)

"巷戰歌" - Street Fighting Song (Chinese WW2 Anti-Japanese Song)

"东北抗日联军第一路军军歌" - Anthem of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army First Route Army

"接过雷锋的枪" - Take Up Lei Feng's Gun (Chinese Lei Feng Song)

"向着台湾前进" - March on Taiwan (Chinese Civil War Song)

"大忠大勇" - With Great Loyalty and Courage (Chinese Anti-Japanese WW2 Song)

"毛主席来到咱农庄" - Chairman Mao Has Come to Our Village (Chinese Great Leap Forward Song)

"踏平东京" - Trample Tokyo (Chinese Anti-Japanese Song)

"将进酒" - Bring in the Wine (Tang Dynasty Poem)

"果敢悲歌" - Kokang Lament (Kokang MNDAA Song)

"赳赳老秦" - Mighty Old Qin (Anthem of the Qin Dynasty Army)

"2035去台湾" - To Taiwan in 2035 (China-Taiwan Reunification Song)

"战士歌唱东方红' - Warriors Sing the East is Red (Chinese Mao Song)

"耶和华神已掌权" - God in Control (Chinese Christian Hymn)

"最后的倾诉" - The Last Confession (Chinese Song)

"大刀歌" - Dadao Song (Chinese WW2 Anti-Japanese Song)

"莫忘珍珠港" - Remember Pearl Harbor (Chinese Version)

"凱歌" - Triumphal Song (Ming Dynasty Anti-Wokou Qi Jiguang Song)

"抗疫钢铁洪流进行曲" - Anti-COVID March of Steel Torrent (Chinese COVID-era March)

"钢铁洪流进行曲" - March of Steel Torrent (Chinese New Era March)

"游泰山" - Visiting Mount Tai (Zhang Zongchang Poem)

"红巾军军歌" - Red Turban Song (Ming Dynasty Red Turban Rebellion Anthem)