"Shocking story: A kind lady who changed Maryam and her baby's life"

"Mary and her baby: a kind person, a gift that changed life!"

"Maryam and her baby against the threats of the land owner"

"Unexpected meeting: Fatima's meeting with pregnant Sakineh and her husband"

"Building ideals with love: Muhammad and Maryam with their baby trying to cement their nomadic home"

"Life in a new land: Morteza and Sakineh in search of the dream of the best life for themselves"

"Love, home and family: building a nomadic house with the help of wife and baby"

"Mohammed and Maryam: Trying to build a nomadic house"

"Mohammed and his invincible wife: trying to improve their cottage"

"Muhammad's effort to improve the life of his pregnant sister Sakineh"

"Muhammad's meeting with his mother: becoming aware of Sakineh and Morteza's secrets"

"Happiness for Maryam and her baby next to her husband: trying to build a new hut"

"Maryam's happiness: the release of Maryam's husband from prison with the help of Fatima"

"Helping Maryam and her baby by pregnant Fatima and her daughter Shida"

"Maryam and her baby thrown out of the house by the mother-in-law"

"Maryam helping the pregnant Sakineh: the anger of Maryam's mother-in-law"

"Pregnant Sakineh returns to her husband with the help of Maryam and her baby"

"Evil mother: the decision to divorce her pregnant daughter from her husband"

"Trying to improve the pregnant woman"

"Maryam and her baby: Maryam's efforts to help the pregnant Sakineh"

"Maryam and her baby: trying to escape from the hands of the mother-in-law"

"Tiara's return to the arms of her mother Maryam"

"Invincible Maryam: Maryam's effort to find her baby"

"Maryam in Search of Tiara: A Mother's Struggle to Find a Lost Baby in Nomadic Villages"

"Maryam in search of her baby"

"Maryam's mother-in-law's conspiracies for her pregnant daughter"

"Vaccination with the village doctor: a moment full of love and support for Maryam's baby Tiara"

"The amazing story of pregnant Morteza and Sakineh: to raise Tiara, Maryam's baby in a nomadic hut"

"The grandmother does not accept Maryam's baby and leaves it in the hands of Morteza"

"Motherless baby: buying clothes for Maryam's tiara by Morteza"