Autonomous Exploration Summary Video for Science Robotics Article

Autonomous Exploration Summary Video for Science Robotics Article

IROS 2022 Talk: FAR Planner: Fast, Attemptable Route Planner using Dynamic Visibility Update

IROS 2022 Talk: FAR Planner: Fast, Attemptable Route Planner using Dynamic Visibility Update

Open-source: Aerial Navigation Development Environment

Open-source: Aerial Navigation Development Environment

Flying Fast through Tight Passages and Avoiding Moving Obstacles

Flying Fast through Tight Passages and Avoiding Moving Obstacles

ICRA 2022 Talk: Autonomous Exploration Development Environment and the Planning Algorithms

ICRA 2022 Talk: Autonomous Exploration Development Environment and the Planning Algorithms

Fast, Attemptable Path Planning in Unknown and Partially Known Environments

Fast, Attemptable Path Planning in Unknown and Partially Known Environments

Autonomous Exploration — Dual-stage Viewpoint Planner

Autonomous Exploration — Dual-stage Viewpoint Planner

RSS 2021 Spotlight: TARE: A Hierarchical Framework for Efficiently Exploring Complex 3D Environments

RSS 2021 Spotlight: TARE: A Hierarchical Framework for Efficiently Exploring Complex 3D Environments

ICRA 2021 Talk: Exploring Large and Complex Environments Fast and Efficiently

ICRA 2021 Talk: Exploring Large and Complex Environments Fast and Efficiently

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a Complex 3D Environment with an Aerial Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a Complex 3D Environment with an Aerial Vehicle

Open-source: Autonomous Exploration Development Environment

Open-source: Autonomous Exploration Development Environment

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a Multi-storage Building with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a Multi-storage Building with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a 3D Large Environment with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a 3D Large Environment with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping Three Large Buildings with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping Three Large Buildings with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a Large Indoor Environment with a Ground Vehicle

Autonomously Exploring and Mapping a Large Indoor Environment with a Ground Vehicle

Flying Outdoors and Indoors with Limited-sensing Aerial Autonomy

Flying Outdoors and Indoors with Limited-sensing Aerial Autonomy

Flying in a Machine Shop with Limited-sensing Aerial Autonomy

Flying in a Machine Shop with Limited-sensing Aerial Autonomy

Autonomous UAV with Smart Joystick and Way-point Following

Autonomous UAV with Smart Joystick and Way-point Following

Autonomous Ground Vehicle with Smart Joystick and Way-point Following

Autonomous Ground Vehicle with Smart Joystick and Way-point Following

High-speed Autonomous Aerial Navigation through Trees

High-speed Autonomous Aerial Navigation through Trees

High-speed Autonomous Aerial Navigation through Quonset Hut

High-speed Autonomous Aerial Navigation through Quonset Hut

Pilot Guided Autonomous Flight over Orchard

Pilot Guided Autonomous Flight over Orchard

High-speed Aerial Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance through Trees

High-speed Aerial Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance through Trees

Aerial Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance over Orchard

Aerial Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance over Orchard

Aerial Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance on Industrial Site

Aerial Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance on Industrial Site

Real-time Aerial and Ground-based Collaborative Mapping

Real-time Aerial and Ground-based Collaborative Mapping

GPS-denied Fast Autonomous Flight above and underneath Orchard Trees

GPS-denied Fast Autonomous Flight above and underneath Orchard Trees

GPS-denied Autonomous Flight through Tight Space underneath Shed

GPS-denied Autonomous Flight through Tight Space underneath Shed

Online Mapping with a Kaarta Contour

Online Mapping with a Kaarta Contour

Real-time Mapping with a Velodyne HDL-32E

Real-time Mapping with a Velodyne HDL-32E